This Statement is effective as of September 2017

Your privacy is important to INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES; maintaining your trust is paramount to us.

This Statement discloses the information practices for INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES’s and our affiliates’ web sites, from what type of information about our Web sites’ users is gathered and tracked, to how the information is used, shared or otherwise processed offline. It also describes how cookies, web beacons and other technologies may be used in our Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offerings and software products.

This Statement applies to INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES Web sites that link to this Statement but does not apply to those INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES Web sites that have their own Privacy Statement. Additionally, it does not apply to instances where we merely process data on behalf of clients for their benefit, such as when we act as a web hosting service provider.

From time to time, we may supplement this Statement with additional information relating to a particular interaction we have with you.


Collection of Personal Information

You may choose to give us personal information directly in a variety of situations. For example, you may want to give us your name and contact information to communicate with you, to order a product, to process an order, to register for a service, to provide you with a subscription, or to do business with us if you are a supplier or a business partner. You may also provide your credit card details to buy something from us or may share a description of your education and work experience in connection with a job opening at INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES for which you wish to be considered. If you tell us that you do not want us to use your information to make further contact with you beyond fulfilling your request, we will respect your wishes.

We may also collect information relating to your use of our Web sites and SaaS offerings through the use of various technologies. For example, when you visit our Web sites or access our SaaS offerings, we may log certain information that your browser sends us, such as your IP address, browser type and language, access time, and referring Web site addresses, and we may collect information about the pages you view within our sites and other actions you take while visiting us. In addition, some of our software products include technologies that allow INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES to collect certain information about product use. We may also use such technologies to determine whether you’ve opened an e-mail or clicked on a link contained in an e-mail. Collecting information in this manner allows us to collect statistics about the usage and effectiveness of our Web sites, our software products and our SaaS offerings, personalize your experience and tailor our interactions with you. For details regarding the technologies we employ, see Cookies, Web Beacon and Other Technologies below.

From time to time, we may also collect information that pertains to you indirectly through other sources, such as list vendors. When we do so, we ask the vendors to confirm that the information was legally acquired by the third party and that we have the right to obtain it from them and use it.

The information that we collect, either directly or indirectly, may be combined to help us improve its overall accuracy and completeness and to help us better tailor our interactions with you.


Use of Personal Information

The following paragraphs describe in more detail how INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES may use your personal information.

Fulfilling your Transaction Request

If you request something from INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES, for example, a product or service, a callback, or specific marketing materials, we will use the information you provide to fulfill your request. To help us do this, we may share information with others, for instance, INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES’s business partners, financial institutions, shipping companies, or postal or government authorities, such as Customs authorities, involved in fulfillment. In connection with a transaction, we may also contact you as part of our customer satisfaction surveys or for market research purposes.

Personalizing your Experience on our Web Sites

We may use information we collect about you to provide you with a personalized experience on our Web sites, such as providing you with content in which you may be interested and making navigation on our sites easier.

Providing Support

We may use your personal information to support products or services you have obtained from us, such as notifying you of a product update or fix.

In the course of providing technical support to you, we may sometimes have incidental access to data that you have provided to us or data that is located on your system. This data may contain information about you, your organization’s employees, customers, partners, or suppliers. This Privacy Statement does not apply to our access to or handling of this information; the conditions regarding the handling and processing of that data is covered by the applicable Terms of Use or other agreements between you and INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES, such as to assist you in isolating the cause of a problem with the program, our support specialists may request that you send INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES the problem information, systems data, diagnostic data, etc., or that our support specialists be able to view it with you electronically by remotely accessing your system. INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES uses information about errors and problems to improve its products and services, and assist with its provision of related support offerings. For these purposes, INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES may use INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES entities and subcontractors (including in one or more countries other than the one in which You are located), and You authorize INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES to do so. You confirm that you have the right to provide us with the data you send to us regarding your problems and errors for the purpose of analyzing that data.

You remain responsible for 1) any data and the content of any database you make available to INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES, 2) the selection and implementation of procedures and controls regarding access, security, encryption, use, and transmission of data (including any personally-identifiable data), and 3) backup and recovery of any database and any stored data. You will not send or provide INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES access to any personally-identifiable information, whether in data or any other form, and will be responsible for reasonable costs and other amounts that INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES may incur relating to any such information mistakenly provided to INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES or the loss or disclosure of such information by INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES, including those arising out of any third party claims.

By sending us problem information, you warrant that none of the data exported to, or otherwise accessible by, INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES is controlled as a defense article under the U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) or under any other country’s laws or regulations. You may not upload or otherwise export or re-export images or files from or to us except in full compliance with all applicable export and import laws and regulations. You understand and acknowledge that INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES is a U.S. headquartered company and that applicable U.S. export laws and regulations may prohibit INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES from providing services to certain end users and for certain end uses.

Once your data is completely received by INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES approved means, INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES will use it only for the purposes for which it was provided – that is, to fix INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES defects or to support INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES products or services. We will not disclose it to other parties, except to contractors of INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES who we may use to help us fix defects or provide support; and we will delete, destroy or return it when it is no longer required. If you elect to have us return physical media, you will be responsible for arranging for return transport of the media. INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES will provide the tapes to your designated carrier at the INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES location, but other­wise will have no responsibility/liability for return of the media.


The information you provide to INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES, as well as the information we have collected about you indirectly, may be used by INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES for marketing purposes. Before we do so, however, we will offer you the opportunity to choose whether or not to have your information used in this way. You may at any time choose not to receive marketing materials from us by following the unsubscribe instructions included in each e-mail you may receive, by indicating so when we call you, or by contacting us directly (please refer to “Privacy Questions and Access” below).

Some of our offerings may be co-branded, that is sponsored by both INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES and third parties. If you sign up for these offerings, be aware that your information may also be collected by and shared with those third parties. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with their privacy policies to gain an understanding of the manner in which they will handle information about you.

If you choose to “Email This Page” to a friend or colleague, we will ask for their name and e-mail address. We will automatically send a one-time e-mail sharing the page you indicated, but will not use that information for other purposes.


In connection with a job application or inquiry, whether advertised on an INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES Web site or otherwise, you may provide us with information about yourself, such as a resume. We may use this information throughout INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES in order to address your inquiry or consider you for employment purposes. Unless you tell us not to do so, we may keep the information for future consideration.

Monitoring or Recording of Calls, Chats and Other Interactions

Certain online transactions may involve you calling us or us calling you. They may also involve online chats. Please be aware that it is INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES’s general practice to monitor and in some cases record such interactions for staff training or quality assurance purposes or to retain evidence of a particular transaction or interaction.

Mobile Applications and Use of Information in the Social Computing Environment

INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES makes available mobile applications for download from various mobile application marketplaces. INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES also provides social computing tools on some of its Web sites to enable online sharing and collaboration among members who have registered to use them. These include forums, wikis, blogs and other social media platforms.

When downloading and using these applications or registering to use these social computing tools, you may be asked to provide certain personal information. Registration information will be subject to and protected in accordance with this Privacy Statement, except for the information that is automatically made available to other participants as part of your profile. These applications and tools may also include supplemental privacy statements with specific information about collection and handling practices. Read those supplemental statements to understand what the tools and applications may do.

Any other content you post, such as pictures, information, opinions, or any other type of personal information that you make available to other participants on these social platforms or applications, is not subject to this Privacy Statement. Rather, such content is subject to the Terms of Use of those applications or platforms, and any additional guidelines and privacy information provided in relation to their use, as well as the process by which you can remove your content from such tools or get help to do so. Please refer to them to better understand yours, INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES’s, and other parties’ rights and obligations with regard to such content. You should be aware that the content you post on any such social computing platforms may be made broadly available to others inside and outside INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES.

Protect the Rights and Property of INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES and Others

We may also use or share your information to protect the rights or property of INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES, our business partners, suppliers, clients, or others when we have reasonable grounds to believe that such rights or property have been or could be affected. In addition, we reserve the right to disclose your personal information as required by law and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, or the rights of others, or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on our Web sites.

Information for Business Partners

If you represent an INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES business partner, you may visit INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES Web sites intended specifically for INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES business partners. We may use information provided on that site to administer and develop our business relationship with you, the business partner you represent, and INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES business partners generally. For instance, this may involve using your information to send you details of INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES business partner programs. It may also include sharing certain information with other business partners (subject to any confidentiality obligations that may exist), or INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES customers or prospects. In connection with a particular transaction or program, we may also contact you as part of customer satisfaction surveys or for market research purposes.

Information for Suppliers

If you represent an INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES supplier, you may visit INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES Web sites intended specifically for use by INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES suppliers. We may use the information provided on that site in connection with entering into or performing a transaction with you. For example, this may include sharing information with other parts of INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES, INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES’s business partners, customers, shipping companies, financial institutions and postal or government authorities involved in fulfillment. It may also be used to administer and develop our relationship with you, the supplier you represent, and other INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES suppliers generally.


Sharing of Personal Information and International Transfers

INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES is a global organization with business processes, management structures and technical systems that cross borders. As such, we may share information about you within INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES and transfer it to countries in the world where we do business in connection with the uses identified above and in accordance with this Privacy Statement. Our Privacy Statement and our practices are designed to provide a globally consistent level of protection for personal information all over the world. This means that even in countries whose laws provide for less protection for your information, INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES will still handle your information in the manner described here.

In some cases, INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES uses suppliers located in various countries to collect, use, analyze, and otherwise process information on its behalf. It is INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES’s practice to require such suppliers to handle information in a manner consistent with INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES’s policies.

From time to time, we may disclose information that identifies you at an individual level and which we collected on our Web sites to other non-INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES entities that are not acting as our suppliers, such as our business partners. Except as described in this Privacy Statement, we will only do so with your prior consent. We do not sell or lease such information however.

Circumstances may arise where, whether for strategic or other business reasons, INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES decides to sell, buy, merge or otherwise reorganize businesses in some countries. Such a transaction may involve the disclosure of personal information to prospective or actual purchasers, or the receipt of such information from sellers. It is INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES’s practice to seek appropriate protection for information in these types of transactions.

When transferring your information outside of the country of collection for the purposes identified above, INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES complies with applicable law. For data originating from a European Union member state, INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES uses a variety of data transfer mechanisms (including standard contractual clauses) for this purpose.

Please be aware that in certain circumstances, personal information may be subject to disclosure to government agencies pursuant to judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process. We may also share your information to protect the rights or property of INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES, our business partners, suppliers or clients, and others when we have reasonable grounds to believe that such rights or property have been or could be affected.


Information Security and Accuracy

We intend to protect your personal information and to maintain its accuracy. INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES implements reasonable physical, administrative and technical safeguards to help us protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use and disclosure. For example, we encrypt certain sensitive personal information such as credit card information when we transmit such information over the Internet. We also require that our suppliers protect such information from unauthorized access, use and disclosure.



We will retain your registration information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services. If you wish to request that we no longer use your registration information to provide you services contact us at . We will retain and use your registration information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.


Cookies, Web Beacons and Other Technologies

As mentioned above, we collect information from your visits to our Web sites and your use of our SaaS offerings and our software products to help us gather statistics about usage and effectiveness, personalize your experience, and tailor our interactions with you. We do so through the use of various technologies, including scripts, tags, Local Shared Objects (Flash cookies), Local Storage (HTML5) beacons, and one called “cookies”. A cookie is a piece of data that a Web site can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your computer as a tag that identifies your computer. While cookies are often only used to measure Web site usage (such as number of visitors and duration of visit) and effectiveness (such as topics visitors are most interested in) and to allow for ease of navigation or use and, as such, are not associated with any personal information, they are also used at times to personalize a known visitor’s experience to a Web site by being associated with profile information or user preferences. Over time this information provides valuable insight to help improve the user experience.

Cookies are typically categorized as “session” cookies or “persistent” cookies. Session cookies help you navigate through the Web site efficiently, keeping track of your progression from page to page so that you are not asked for information you have already provided during the current visit. Session cookies are stored in temporary memory and erased when the web browser is closed. Persistent cookies, on the other hand, store user preferences for current and successive visits. They are written on your device’s hard disk, and are still valid when you restart your browser. We use persistent cookies, for example, to record your choice of language and country location.

While INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES Web sites at this time do not recognize automated browser signals regarding tracking mechanisms, such as “do not track” instructions, you can generally express your privacy preferences regarding the use of most cookies and similar technologies though your web browser. Look under the heading “Tools” (or similar heading) in your particular browser for information about controlling cookies. You can set your browser in most instances to notify you before you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether to accept it or not. You can also generally set your browser to turn off cookies. Cookies in our software products can be turned off in the product itself. Since cookies allow you to take advantage of some of our Web sites’ features or features of our software products and SaaS offerings, we recommend that you leave them turned on. If you block, turn off or otherwise reject our cookies, some Web pages may not display properly or you will not be able, for instance, to add items to your shopping cart, proceed to checkout, or use any Web site services that require you to sign in. Some INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES Web sites, SaaS offerings and software products may also use Web beacon or other technologies to better tailor those sites to provide better customer service. These technologies may be in use on a number of pages across INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES’s Web sites. When a visitor accesses these pages, a non-identifiable notice of that visit is generated which may be processed by us or by our suppliers. These Web beacons usually work in conjunction with cookies. If you don’t want your cookie information to be associated with your visits to these pages or use of these products, you can set your browser to turn off cookies or turn off cookies in the product itself, respectively. If you turn off cookies, Web beacon and other technologies will still detect visits to these pages; however, they will not be associated with information otherwise stored in cookies.

We use Local Shared Objects, such as Flash cookies, and Local Storage, such as HTML5, to store content information and preferences. Third parties with whom we partner to provide certain features on our website or to display INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES advertising on others’ web sites based upon your web browsing activity also use Flash cookies or HTML5 to collect and store information. Various browsers may offer their own management tools for removing HTML5.

We may also include Web beacons in marketing e-mail messages or our newsletters in order to determine whether messages have been opened and links contained within clicked on.

Some of our business partners set Web beacons and cookies on our site. In addition third-party social media buttons may log certain information such as your IP address, browser type and language, access time, and referring Web site addresses, and, if you are logged in to those social media sites, they may also link such collected information with your profile information on that site. We do not control these third party tracking technologies.


Online Advertising

INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES does not deliver third party online advertisements on our Web sites but we advertise our products and services on others’ Web sites. Please familiarize yourself with those Web site operators’ or network advertisers’ privacy policies to understand their practices relating to advertising, including what type of information they may collect about your Internet usage.

We have also engaged with certain third parties to manage some of our advertising on other sites. These third parties may use cookies and Web beacons to collect information (such as your IP address) about your activities on INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES’s and others’ Web sites to provide you targeted INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES advertisements based upon your interests. Please note that this does not opt you out of being served non-targeted advertising. You will continue to receive generic, non-targeted ads.


Links to Non-INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES Web Sites and Third Party Applications

To allow you to interact with other Web sites on which you may have accounts (such as Facebook and other social media sites) or join communities on such sites, we may provide links or embed third-party applications that allow you to login, post content or join communities from our Web sites.

We may also provide you with general links to non-INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES Web sites.

Your use of these links and applications is subject to the third parties’ privacy policies, and you should become familiar with the third party sites’ privacy policies before using the links or applications.

INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of those other Web sites.


Notification of Changes

We will post a notice for 30 days at the top of this page notifying users when this Privacy Statement is updated or modified in a material way. If we are going to use your personal information in a manner different from that stated at the time of collection, we will notify you, and you will have a choice as to whether or not we can use your personal information in such a way.


Privacy Questions and Access

If you have a question about this Privacy Statement or INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES’s handling of your information, you can send an email to the INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES Web site coordinator.

In certain cases, you may have the ability to view or edit your personal information online. In the event your information is not accessible online, and you wish to obtain a copy of particular information you provided to INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES, or if you become aware the information is incorrect and you would like us to correct it, contact us .

Before INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES is able to provide you with any information or correct any inaccuracies, however, we may ask you to verify your identity and to provide other details to help us to respond to your request. We will contact you within 30 days of your request.